Fine Art

design outline

This site's basic layout is composed of a number of tables that place the navigation bar, logo, and
body sections in to their own cells that maintain the layout.

The style of each page is contained in a shared css file to provide a unifed throughout the entirety
of the site. This allows for easy editing and a clean script

Each link on the navigation bar is composed of two images: an off state and a down state. When
a visitor hovers over each link, the off state image swaps to the down state to show that link is

On each catagory page, images are laid out with an encompassing description above. When an
image is clicked on, the catagory description is swapped with the full size image that was clicked.
This image will remain visible until another image is clicked.

A webform is present on the contact page and allows users to submit basic information which will
be emailed directly to my email address.

All images and content are original works created with Photoshop CS3 and/or Dreamweaver CS3.

Feel free to e-mail me with any additional questions.

This website will be viewable on two different .coms: